Sunday, September 26, 2010

We made it to Mexico!

It was a LONG day but good preparation for the even longer day we have ahead of us on our way to Dakar.

Declan was such an angel throughout the day and we had a lucky day!

It started with our luggage being overweight (and not just a little) and the guy at the check in counter taking pity on me. Then we got to the gate and I inquired (as I always do) about our seats as I am after all traveling with an infant! The lady there bumped us to business class and then a few minutes later called us back to the counter to move us to a set of 2 empty seats! This was wonderful as this was the longer of the two flights and so Declan had a seat to himself to jump on (yes he jumps now).

Once in Houston I found WiFi and was able to connect with Ross which was fantastic. Once on the tiny plane taking us from Houston to Guadalajara the nice Mexican man sitting next to me inquired as to empty seats so that I could have the second one for the baby. Soooo thankful. Declan did sleep almost all the way but I was still grateful for the room to move around.

So we got here with no incident and Grams was VERY happy to meet Declan and I was very glad to be able to rest.

I do have to say though, for a 12 hour travel day Declan was an angel and I am a little less stressed about our 24 hour trip to Dakar.

Thank you little man for being so easy going!

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